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Being part of Bakersfield College

Kate Pluta forward to me an email she sent the faculty in her department.  This was relevant since we (Jennifer Marden, Kate and I) had just met to work on section 2 of the Recommendation #1 assignment.  Much of our conversation was about the intentional engagement of faculty and staff on campus through work on institutional initiatives and governance councils.  The last question Kate poses at the end of the email spoke to me.  What does being part of Bakersfield College mean to you?

So, let’s hear from Kate Pluta:

Dear Colleagues,

At the Senate meeting yesterday, Corny and Nan led a discussion of college values, posing the question:  Who are we (BC)?  Since the senate had just discussed the dearth of new folks stepping up to serve on the CCA board, I was moved to say that I felt service to the college was a core value, something I believed in. I have been thinking along those lines ever since.  When I was a new faculty member, my chair told me to represent the department on the Curriculum Committee–we needed the representation and it would be a good way for me to meet people and learn about the college and its programs.  She was right.  I haven’t been much of a mentor to new faculty, but I would advise you now, don’t wait til someone asks you personally to participate.  For those who haven’t yet, take the initiative to get involved outside the department to learn more about the college.  Play a role.  Be an active part of BC life.

Being part of Bakersfield College—what it means to me.

Teaching our classes and doing it well.

Working within the department to plan, implement, and evaluate the work the department does.

What does being part of Bakersfield College mean to you?

Kate Pluta
Professor of English
Bakersfield College
661 395 4531

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

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